Grayscale HK

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Social Media Disclosure 2025-03-06 17:32:31
Terms of Service 2025-03-06 17:28:37
Privacy Policy 2025-03-05 05:12:10

Social Media Disclosure

Last updated on February 25, 2025

Grayscale (Hong Kong) and its team members use many social media websites to share information about products and services, thought leadership materials, news, events, and career information.

Only the official social media accounts of Grayscale (Hong Kong) represent the opinions of Grayscale (Hong Kong) as a company. Team members of Grayscale (Hong Kong) maintain their own social media accounts, and their social media communications do not necessarily represent the opinions of Grayscale (Hong Kong) as a whole or those of other team members. Grayscale (Hong Kong), its clients, and its related persons may (but not necessarily) have a financial interest in the clients, products, crypto assets, technologies, securities, or issuers we discuss. However, any discussion by Grayscale (Hong Kong) or its related persons of products, crypto assets, technologies, securities, or issuers does not recommend the purchase, sale, or holding of any specific securities, assets, or investment strategies.

The information posted on these websites is for reference only and should not be regarded as investment advice or a recommendation to invest in any specific product, security, crypto asset, or service, nor should it be regarded as a recommendation for any specific investment strategy. Grayscale (Hong Kong) does not provide any tax, legal, or accounting advice through its social media channels. You should consult a qualified professional for such advice. It should not be assumed that current or future recommendations will be profitable or will have performance similar to or the same as previous securities recommendations.

Certain communications posted on social media by Grayscale (Hong Kong) or its related persons may contain "forward-looking statements". The forward-looking statements are provided to give investors an opportunity to understand their beliefs and views about the future so that they can consider these beliefs and views as a factor in evaluating investments. Such information cannot guarantee future performance and should not be overly relied upon. Such forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual future performance and financial results to differ materially from any future performance predictions explicitly or implicitly stated in such forward-looking statements. Grayscale (Hong Kong) has no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained on social media, and you should not place undue reliance on such statements, which are only effective as of the date of publication of this document. Although Grayscale (Hong Kong) has taken reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in its social media communications, Grayscale (Hong Kong) makes no express or implied representation or warranty as to its accuracy, reliability, or completeness (including liability to third parties). You should not make any investment decisions based on these estimates and forward-looking statements.

Social media websites are established and hosted by third parties and are governed by their separate website policies, including privacy policies, as well as terms and conditions. We are not responsible for their privacy policies or terms and conditions, or any other third-party websites that may be linked to their pages or from their pages. Your use of these websites is at your own risk.

Grayscale (Hong Kong) assumes no responsibility for the terms of use or privacy or security policies of other websites. For more information, please refer to the Grayscale (Hong Kong) Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Our social media accounts and activities are managed and monitored by Grayscale (Hong Kong). We are actively monitoring public posts and communications about Grayscale. However, due to the public nature of social media platforms, we cannot respond to or engage in all questions.

To keep our online community and conversations focused, please keep our guidelines in mind:

Be civil: Do not post inappropriate or offensive materials. We may make every effort to remove any offensive, derogatory, inflammatory, or illegal posts, comments, and statements.

Protect your privacy: Never use social media to disclose any financial or personal information. Grayscale (Hong Kong) will never ask you for your social security number, account information, password, personal identification number, or other personally identifiable information via social media. We are not responsible for the privacy or security practices of the social media websites we use. Please review their policies.

Third-party links: We do not advocate clicking on links posted by other social media users, as these links may pose risks to your computer or lead you to inappropriate websites.

Reach out: If you are a Grayscale (Hong Kong) investor and have specific questions about your account or investment, please contact your relationship manager directly. If you have any questions or complaints about our social media activities, you can submit them to [email protected].

Social media pages are public: We cannot be responsible for other views except our own. Grayscale (Hong Kong) does not adopt, endorse, or guarantee the accuracy of the content posted by others (including related persons of Grayscale), and such content does not necessarily represent the views of Grayscale (Hong Kong).

Social media is interactive: We may occasionally mention a user, tweet, retweet, post, forward, or comment, or disseminate links to third-party websites when we think you may find the information useful. However, this does not constitute an endorsement of the individual, website, product, or company. Additionally, if a follower retweets our post and adds a comment, these comments are the views and responsibilities of the follower, and we expressly disclaim any liability for such communications.

Fake accounts and impostors: Other users not affiliated with Grayscale (Hong Kong) may pose as us or our team members on social media. These fake accounts are usually created for fraudulent or satirical purposes. You should ensure that you are actually interacting with the official account of Grayscale (Hong Kong) or its team members, and we assume no responsibility or obligation for the activities and communications of impostors. While we strive to notify social media administrators of any malicious imitations, we cannot guarantee that they will be removed in a timely manner.

If possible, we reserve the right to block or delete offensive content and users at our sole discretion, without prior notice. Delayed deletion or failure to delete offensive posts or information should not be construed as an endorsement or approval of such posts or information, nor should it prevent us from taking other measures to deal with offensive content, especially when social media websites limit our ability to delete content or block users.